


1. 通常假牙的咬合力只有天然牙的十分之一,经科学实验,种植牙的咬合力已经接近于天然牙,所以咀嚼食物时, 感觉更加方便自然。

1. Ordinary denture have only one tenth of the occlusal force of natural teeth. according to the scientificexperiments,implants can provide an occlusive force close to the natural teeth. so when you chew the food,you feel more convenient and comfortable.

2. 种植牙是直接在缺失牙牙槽骨上种植一个独立的人工牙根,再制作出一个牙冠,对口内的天然牙毫无损坏, 而常规烤瓷牙修复都要磨除邻牙。

2. An implant is to put an individual aitifical tooth root into the alveolar bone fo the missing teeth. Then a crowncan be fixed on it. So there is no damage to the proximal teeth while a fixed bridge needs to remove partof the proximal teeth.

3. 长期缺失牙不仅会影响口内的其他牙齿的咬合关系, 对于缺牙处的牙槽骨的影响也是很大的, 长期缺牙会导致缺牙处的牙槽骨萎缩, 而瓷牙固定修复与活动假牙都无法解决这一问题, 但植入人工牙根后可增加骨的骨密度,可减少骨吸收。

3. The occlusive relationship may get worse if some teeth is missing and not restored for a long term, so does thealveolar bone with missing teeth. The alveolar bone is absorbed gradually. Neither a removabledenture nor a fixed brigde can resolve the problem, while an implant may provide a solution.

4. 种植牙是经济的半永久性修复体, 种植牙根据患者的维护能力, 可用10~30年或半永久性使用, 虽然一次性投入相对较多,但其实是最经济耐用的方法。

4. Implants are half restoration unit. it can be$$$$$yake114.com$$$$$EF3E1A049A0AA8E35A57DCE14B8A226D4B7124729BADC4C41094B6879F7B8F2902C3359C3D95536548FAFB7994A34C67510F411B2F31C88676FC26E9B6D7F61345EC0E6E8CE24130C17F9CCC45095697F97B4143FFD7D8737B050465C75B5507C2D5F2D268ED9CF1A81DF2E026B8C97A437D14F719A0BE88736BCA38B6EAAE7EBDBF530CDFB753DC78041931DD4CE02D4683B786C438EB1EB102B81EFAB7A4C659A02E8A277FB416E9F6545CCF01F84FC20785BAF77C2E8F80B60E4218526AE75E36C9544A4EB22599BCF8B9193C6E20$$$$$yonglimei.com$$$$$



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